I have returned from my springtime travels, bringing back good memories and a few new ideas for the coming season.
The newest trend in London also works well in Hyde Park, Vermont. They start with full English afternoon tea with tea sandwiches, warm scones with clotted cream and jam, and little sweets, add a cup of homemade soup, and serve it at five or five-thirty, just in time for the theater. The Lamoille County Players are presenting Guys & Dolls, based on Damon Runyon’s colorful stories of New York City characters and considered by many to be the perfect musical comedy. A male chorus of gamblers, the Hot Box dancing girls, and a Salvation Army mission band highlight the action as two unlikely couples finally find happiness together. The Governor’s House is offering theater tea on selected afternoons so you can make a day of it by having tea and then walking right across the street to the Hyde Park Opera House for the performance. I find that theater tea is just the right meal before a play and then all I need afterword is a little nibble of something, like a little Ben & Jerry’s. The dates are Thursday, July 18th, Saturday, July 20th, Thursday, July 25th, and Friday, July 26th. It is also possible to come for tea after the 2:00 p.m. matinees on Sundays. Advance reservation are required: 802-888-6888 or info@OneHundredMain.com. The box office number is 802-888-4507 and their website is www.lcplayers.com.